
Mixers ​​​​​​ 

   MIXERS At-A-Glance
  • FREQUENCY: DC to 26GHz
  • TECHNOLOGY: Triple & Double Balanced, Schottky
  • PACKAGING: Connectorized, Pin & SM
  • PLATFORMS: Ground, Airborne, Marine, Space

Teledyne RF & Microwave offers a wide range of both double & triple balanced mixers for many different applications from commercial test equipment to space qualified units. Low conversion loss and wide bandwidths are the hallmark of the product line. The incorporation of Schottky diodes on some designs offers significant performance benefits.

TWe have many packaging options and with over 400 ITAR-free designs, we are able to offer the right mixer for your demanding application.



Teledyne's triple balanced mixer model MMP20281 covers 2.0 to 20 GHz, with an IF frequency range of 5.0 MHz to 6.0 GHz. Nominal LO drive is +13.0 dBm producing +16 dBm third order intercept. Users can increase the LO drive to +16 dBm LO, producing +18.0 dBm third order intercept point. Typical SSB conversion loss is 7.0 dB. LO to RF isolation is 30.0 dB typical. LO to IF isolation is 30 dB typical from 2 to 10 GHz, and 25 dB typical from 10 to 20 GHz. The 2X2 spur is greater than 50 dBc. The MMP20281 operates from -55°C to +85°C and is available in our Hi-Rel MixerPak. 

We also offer a complete line of RF and microwave components, including amplifiers, gain control and limiting amplifiers, VCOs, frequency mixers, doublers and IQ modulators, detectors, and integrated assemblies.


Teledyne Mixers have been utilized on Ground, Airborne, Marine, and Space platforms. End use applications:

  • Military
  • Communications
  • EW, Missile
  • Commercial
  • Test and Measurement
  • Space Payload​



  • Schottky diodes on specific designs
  • Low conversion loss
  • Wide bandwidth
  • Packages include Hi-Rel MixerPak, TO-8, TO-8H and Surface Mount