Reynolds UK Products Enable NASA Mars
Perseverance Rover
We’re delighted to be part of the SuperCam instrument, a combined camera, laser and spectrometer designed to look for organic compounds that could be clues of possible past life on the planet. It is able to make measurements and identify chemical and mineral targets as small as a pencil point from up to 20 feet away. More information here.
Our partnership was with IRAP, the French Institut De Recherche En Astrophysique Et Planétologie, key contributors to the SuperCam instrument. This is part of a long-standing collaboration which includes parts on the Solar Orbiter mission. More information from IRAP here.
Reynolds PeeWee connectors were chosen because of their small size, high performance and space heritage. They were evaluated extensively for suitability for use on the Martian surface before selection.
Reynolds UK Provides Critical High Voltage Interconnects for ESA’s Solar Orbiter SPICE Instrument
Making use of special variants of our Hi/Mate-D’s, the SPICE instrument is making groundbreaking measurements to trace the layers in the Sun’s atmosphere from the corona down to a layer known as the chromosphere. Read more about it here.

Our products have a long heritage in space in both European and US programmes and can be found on satellite payloads and launchers, including:
- International Space Station
- Rosetta
- BepiColombo
- Exomars
- Solar Orbiter
- Hubble Space Telescope
- Curiosity Rover
- Arianne V.