
Commercial Relays​​​  

​​​Part NO.​​​  ​Description

The Series C47F miniature solid-state relays utilize a photovoltaic generator driving high-performance power FET chips to provide low-output on resistance and high-output switching capability. The virtual elimination of offset voltage makes these relays ideal for low level switching applications as well. Bidirectional switching versions (Series C46F) are available.  

Available options include:
C47F-10    1.75A, 50Vdc Load; 3.8-32Vdc Control
C47F-20    1A, 90Vdc Load; 3.8-32Vdc Control       
C47F-30    0.6A, 180Vdc Load; 3.8-32Vdc Control
C47F-40    0.4A, 360Vdc Load; 3.8-32Vdc Control

Series C60 solid-state relays use an advanced design capable of switching very heavy loads in a physically small 6-pin mini-DIP package. These relays have a power FET output that ensures low ON resistance, no offset voltage and low leakage current. They are versatile and can be used to switch AC, bidirectional or DC loads.

C = Through-hole mount ​
SC = Surface mount
Available options include:
C60-10       2.5Adc, 60Vdc DC-Load; ±1.25Adc, ±60Vdc AC-Load; 10-50mAdc Control
SC60-10     2.5Adc, 60Vdc DC-Load; ±1.25Adc, ±60Vdc AC-Load; 10-50mAdc Control
C60-20       1.5Adc, 100Vdc DC-Load; ±0.75Adc, ±10​​0Vdc AC-Load; 10-50mAdc Control
SC60-20     1.5Adc, 100Vdc DC-Load; ±0.75Adc, ±100Vdc AC-Load; 10-50mAdc Control
C60-30       1Adc, 200Vdc DC-Load; ±0.5Adc, ±200Vdc AC-Load; 10-50mAdc Control
SC60-30     1Adc, 200Vdc DC-Load; ±0.5Adc, ±200Vdc AC-Load; 10-50mAdc Control
C60-40       0.5Adc, 400Vdc DC-Load; ±0.25Adc, ±400Vdc AC-Load; 10-50mAdc Control
SC60-40     0.5Adc, 400Vdc DC-Load; ±0.25Adc, ±400Vdc AC-Load; 10-50mAdc Control
​​         C75​ 
Series C75-2 solid-state relays are packaged in a 16-pin DIP, with surface-mount or through-hole mounting available. They utilize a power FET switch that is protected against overload and short-​circuit currents. 2S versions provide an open-collector trip status feedback to the relay’s control side. 2SH versions add an internal transient voltage suppressor for inductive loads.

C75 relays are controlled with 4.5-5.5Vdc
C = Through-hole mount 
SC = Surface mount

Available options include:
C75-2          1A, 60Vdc Load; short-circuit protection
SC75-2        1A, 60Vdc Load;  short-circuit protection  
C75-2S        1A, 60Vdc Load;  short-circuit protection and trip satus
​SC75-2S      1A, 60Vdc Load; short-circuit protection and trip status 

C75-2SH      1A, 60Vdc Load;  short-circuit & transient voltage protection, and trip status
1A, 60Vdc Load;  short-circuit & transient voltage protection, and trip status
