Teledyne Defence & Spacex

Teledyne Defence & Space has won a Queen’s Award for its substantial growth in overseas earnings and its commercial success in the space sector. Read more...

Terms & Conditions




​Teledyne Microwave Solutions wants our users to always be aware of any information we collect, how we use it, and under what circumstances, if any, we disclose it.


We respect each site visitor's right to personal privacy. To that end, we collect and use information throughout our website only as disclosed in this Privacy Policy. This statement applies solely to information collected on this website. Our web server will not recognize domains or email addresses of visitors.

This site uses Google Analytics to monitor visitor traffic, but we do not track an individual's browsing habits. In order to use this website, visitors and/or members are not required to complete a registration form.

Registration is not required to enter our site.

We may periodically publish a newsletter (ezine), and we never sell or share our subscribers' e-mail addresses.


If we decide to change our privacy policy, we will post those changes to this privacy statement.



​ECOs without Notice
In order to continuously improve the performance, design and reliability of the products within this website and all product publications, Teledyne Defense Electronics (TDE) reserves the right to implement engineering change orders to the products, their specifications and packaging at any time, without notice.

Verification of Latest Specifications
Teledyne Microwave Solutions hereby declares that once product data is made public via website or printed material, it is the customer's responsibility to check the TDE website, www.teledynemicrowave.com, and verify with TDE Sales staff to ensure that detailed product specifications published herein are the most recent revisions to the products the customer seeks to procure.

Although Teledyne Defense Electronics makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all information published online or in print, TDE assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions.

Typical and Guaranteed Specifications
Specifications published as "Typical Specifications" shall not be interpreted as guaranteed specifications. Rather, Teledyne Microwave Solutions defines "Typical Specifications" as those data that best represent any single product model for the parameters listed and across the stated bandwidths of each model and parameter. Actual performance specifications may be both higher and lower than the typical specifications across the bandwidth of a model.

TDE defines "Guaranteed Specifications" as those performance values, minimum or maximum, and versus temperature, at which our engineers believe any single model will actually perform in worst case versus actual test data collected prior to publication. Again, the Guaranteed Specifications published are subject to change without notice, and the customer must ensure procurement of the latest data revisions for each model.

