Teledyne Microwave UK 4 port differential phase shift circulators are typically configured with Port 4 terminated by a load, in order to operate as a
high power circulator. When configured with 2 loads the device can also be used as a
high power isolator.
Close attention has to be given to the generation of harmonics and third order intermodulation products that occur when non-linear elements such as ferrite materials and mechanical imperfections are introduced into transmission lines. Ferrite selection and fabrication are critical, as is designing to minimize the requirement for supplementary tuning elements within the waveguide.
The final designs depend on other considerations, such as dissipated losses, power handling capacity and reproducibility. Teledyne Lincoln Microwave design devices which possess very low dissipative loss, are fit for production with minimal final tuning, and produce performance which is
consistent from unit to unit.